Eco NW - Tools & methods

Modeling, analysis, visualization and data sources

Data sources & maintenance

It should be stressed that all the data shown in the Eco-region NW, and more generally in the REAP model, is derived statistically. Hence it is subject to the uncertainties of original surveys, classification problems etc. The REAP model allows for users to insert more up to data local information where this is available.

The REAP tool and its database is built almost entirely on government and industry standard datasets. These include the ONS blue book, Family Expenditure Survey, COICOP consumption data, ACORN social group analysis, and PRODCOM trade data.

The scenario and activity model data then extends this by drawing on government departments, industry bodies, European Environment Agency etc. It draws also on the ISCAM scenario model, the REEIO projections for regional growth, Environment Agency waste assessments etc.

It is intended to update the core datasets in the REAP model on a biennial basis, subject to available funding.

It is also intended to publish a Ecological Budget for the UK annually from 2007, and this is intended to be calculated for regions including the NW.