Lifestyle NW - Life Quiz

Finding out what people want

Lifestyle Quiz

Most of the 6.8 people of the NW enjoy a lifestyle hardly dreamed of a few decades ago. The question here is the direction of change for the next 10, 20 and 50 years. Is our material affluence just going to grow without limits? And are we happier for it?

To explore this question, the Lifestyle module looks into people's needs, wishes, hopes and fears for the next 10-20 years. This will give us some clue as to which future path or scenario is most likely. A vision of that future scenario is then shown in the next section, Future visions.

What to do:
  • For each question, select the answer which most closely fits your choice
  • Where it asks 'Would you like...' this means your needs, wishes and hopes, over the next 10-20 years, or as far as you can look ahead
  • Some feedback pops up with the implications for lifestyles and the region
  • At the far side are the results in eco-footprint for the year 2020 (as measured in 'global hectares per capita')
  • The total footprint then shows which 'scenario' is most likely from your choices
  • Follow the link to Future Visions for some newspaper features from 2020, 2030, 2040 and 2050
Start the

NOTE: for a more detailed calculation of your current lifestyle impacts, try the 'Redefining progress' footprint calculator on

The questions and the footprint components in this section are all very approximate: for a more technical approach you can use the REAP system itself -