Local NW - Local agendas

Problems and opportunities for the counties around the region

Greater Manchester

In the larger conurbation of Greater Manchester, there is a complex arrangement of international functions overlaid on local neighborhoods. As with Merseyside there has been rapid economic restructuring, particularly in the more traditional industrial parts of the city-region, but the economy and physical fabric has on the whole survived better.

The chart shows the division between the relative affluence of Stockport and Trafford, and the relative downbeat of the northern and eastern districts. Manchester itself shows up as middle of the road, containing affluence and deprivation side by side.

Again, the eco-efficiency agenda would show a more urban and peri-urban agenda:

  • Upgrading of large areas of inefficient housing
  • Shift from car travel (often very slow) to faster bicycle and public transport modes
  • Again, the revitalization of urban communities, as a counterpart to private consumption of goods and mobility.