Eco-Build NW - Introduction

The resource flow agenda for construction & the built environment

The built environment agenda

We know that more housing is needed on a large scale across the UK, and that this housing has potential to be vastly more sustainable and environmentally efficient.

We also know from the eco-footprint measure, that we are using up the earth's resources at an accelerating rate, and that to pursue economic growth and equity between nations, we need to aim for 75% reduction in resource use - i.e. Factor Four efficiency.

Construction is the largest resource using sector, both in direct materials and in the energy demand of its products. With rising energy and waste disposal costs, and the new Building Regulations and EU Directives, there is increasing pressure on construction to improve. Many contracts will be let on environmental as well as financial performance.

We also know that as performance requirements go up, as urban density goes up, and design quality goes up, the material demands of the construction supply chain are likely to increase.

The big issue is - how to achieve a Factor Four increase in resource efficiency for urban development and the construction sector?