<% '################################################################################# '## Copyright (C) 2000-01 Michael Anderson and Pierre Gorissen '## '## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or '## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License '## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 '## of the License, or any later version. '## '## All copyright notices regarding Snitz Forums 2000 '## must remain intact in the scripts and in the outputted HTML '## The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to '## http://forum.snitz.com in the footer of the pages MUST '## remain visible when the pages are viewed on the internet or intranet. '## '## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, '## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the '## GNU General Public License for more details. '## '## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License '## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software '## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. '## '## Support can be obtained from support forums at: '## http://forum.snitz.com '## '## Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to: '## reinhold@bigfoot.com '## '## or '## '## Snitz Communications '## C/O: Michael Anderson '## PO Box 200 '## Harpswell, ME 04079 '################################################################################# %> <% If Session(strCookieURL & "Approval") = "15916941253" Then %>
 All Forums
 Admin Section
 Forum Deletion/Archival

<% strWhatToDo = request.querystring("action") if strWhatToDo = "" then strWhatToDo = "default" End if Select Case strWhatToDo Case "default" %>
"> Administrative Forum Archive Functions
Forum Options:

">Back to Admin Home

<% Case "delete" ' ################## DELETE %>
"> Administrative Forum Delete Functions
Delete Topics:
<% strForumIDN = request.querystring("id") If strForumIDN = "" then strsql = "Select CAT_ID, FORUM_ID, F_L_DELETE, F_SUBJECT,F_DELETE_SCHED from " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM ORDER BY CAT_ID, F_SUBJECT DESC" set drs = my_conn.execute(strsql) thisCat = 0 if drs.eof then response.write("No Forums Found!") else response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write "" response.write "" Do until drs.eof lastDeleted = drs("F_L_DELETE") schedDays = drs("F_DELETE_SCHED") if (IsNull(lastDeleted)) or (lastDeleted = "") then delete_date = "N/A" overdue = 0 else needDelete = (DateAdd("d",schedDays+7,strToDate(lastDeleted))) if (strForumTimeAdjust > needDelete) and (schedDays > 0) then overdue = true delete_date = "Deletion Overdue" else overdue = false delete_date = StrToDate(lastDeleted) end if end if if thisCat <> drs("CAT_ID") then response.write "" response.write "" & vbNewline) thisCat = drs("Cat_ID") drs.movenext Loop response.write "" End if set drs = nothing %>
  • All Forums
  • Selected Forums
    " response.write("" & drs("F_SUBJECT") & " Last delete date: " & delete_date & "
    <% set drs = nothing Elseif request.querystring("confirm") = "true" AND request.querystring("id") <> "" then Call subdeletestuff(strForumIDN) response.write("

    Deletion Completed, Click Here To return to Forum Administration

    ") Elseif request.querystring("confirm") = "" AND request.querystring("id") <> "" then response.write("

    Are you sure you want to delete all topics in this forum? This is NOT reversable
    " & vbNewline & "
    Yes | No

    ") Elseif request.querystring("confirm") = "false" then response.write("Topics in Forum have NOT been deleted
    " & vbNewline & "Back to Forums Administration

    ") End if %>
    ">Back to Forums Administration

    <% Case "archive" '################ ARCHIVE %>
    "> Administrative Forum Archive Functions
    Archive all topics:
    <% strForumIDN = request("id") If strForumIDN = "" then strsql = "Select CAT_ID, FORUM_ID, F_L_ARCHIVE, F_SUBJECT,F_ARCHIVE_SCHED from " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM ORDER BY CAT_ID, F_SUBJECT DESC" set drs = my_conn.execute(strsql) thisCat = 0 if drs.eof then response.write("No Forums Found!") else response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write "" response.write "" Do until drs.eof lastArchived = drs("F_L_ARCHIVE") schedDays = drs("F_ARCHIVE_SCHED") if (IsNull(lastArchived)) or (lastArchived = "") then archive_date = "Not archived" overdue = 0 else needArchive = (DateAdd("d",schedDays+7,strToDate(lastArchived))) if (strForumTimeAdjust > needArchive) and (schedDays > 0) then overdue = true archive_date = "Archiving Overdue" else overdue = false archive_date = StrToDate(lastArchived) end if end if if thisCat <> drs("CAT_ID") then response.write "" response.write "" & vbNewline) thisCat = drs("Cat_ID") drs.movenext Loop response.write "" End if set drs = nothing %>
  • All Forums
  • Selected Forums
    " response.write("" & drs("F_SUBJECT") & " Last archive date: " & archive_date & "
    <% Elseif strForumIDN <> "" then If request.querystring("confirm") = "" then %>

    Archive Topics which are older than:      
    <% elseif request.querystring("confirm") = "no" then response.write("
    Are you sure you want to archive these topics?

    " & vbNewline & _ "
    Yes | No

    ") elseif request.querystring("confirm") = "yes" then Call subarchivestuff(request.querystring("date")) elseif request.querystring("confirm") = "cancel" then response.write("
    Archiving Cancelled. Click here to return to Forum Administration

    ") end if %>
    <% End if %>
    ">Back to Forums Administration

    <% Case "deletearchive" '######################## DELETE ARCHIVED%>
    "> Administrative Forum Archive Functions
    Delete archived topics:
    <% strForumIDN = request.querystring("id") if strForumIDN = "" and request.querystring("confirm") = "" then response.write("" & vbNewline) strSql = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.CAT_ID, " strSql = strSql & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID, " strSql = strSql & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_L_DELETE, " strSql = strSql & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_DELETE_SCHED, " strSql = strSql & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_SUBJECT " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM, " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID = " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID " strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.CAT_ID DESC, " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_SUBJECT DESC" set drs = my_conn.execute(strsql) thisCat = 0 thisForum = 0 if drs.eof then response.write("No Forums Found!") else response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write("" & vbNewline) response.write "" response.write "" Do until drs.eof if thisForum <> drs("FORUM_ID") then thisForum = drs("FORUM_ID") lastDeleted = drs("F_L_DELETE") schedDays = drs("F_DELETE_SCHED") if (IsNull(lastDeleted)) or (lastDeleted = "") then delete_date = "N/A" overdue = 0 else needDelete = (DateAdd("d",schedDays+7,strToDate(lastDeleted))) if (strForumTimeAdjust > needDelete) and (schedDays > 0) then overdue = true delete_date = "Deletion Overdue" else overdue = false delete_date = StrToDate(lastDeleted) end if end if if thisCat <> drs("CAT_ID") then response.write "" thisCat = drs("CAT_ID") end if response.write "" & vbNewline) end if drs.movenext Loop response.write "" End if set drs = nothing %>
    Select a forum from which to delete archived topics
  • All Forums
  • Selected Forums
    " response.write("" & drs("F_SUBJECT") & " Last delete date: " & delete_date & "
    <% elseif request.querystring("id") <> "" and request.querystring("confirm") = "" then response.write("
    Select how many months old the Topics should be that you wish to delete?
    ") %>

    Delete archived Topics which are older than:


    <% elseif request.querystring("id") <> "" and request.querystring("confirm") = "no" then response.write("
    Are you sure you want to delete these topics from the archive?
    " & vbNewline & _ "Yes | No
    ") %>
    <% elseif strForumIDN <> "" and request.querystring("confirm") = "yes" then call subdeletearchivetopics(strForumIDN, request.querystring("date")) response.write("
    Topics older than " & StrToDate(request.querystring("date")) & " have been deleted from the selected archive forum" & vbNewline & "
    Back to Archive Admin
    <% End if %>
    ">Back to Forums Administration

    <% End Select Sub subDeleteArchiveTopics(strForum_id, strDateOlderThan) Dim fIDSQL '#### create FORUM_ID clause rqID = request("id") on error resume next testID = cLng(rqID) if err.number = 0 then if rqID <> "-1" then fIDSQL = " AND FORUM_ID=" & rqID else fIDSQL = "" end if err.clear else fIDSQL = " AND FORUM_ID IN (" & rqID & ")" err.clear end if on error goto 0 strsql = "DELETE FROM " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE T_LAST_POST < '" & strDateOlderThan & "'" & fIDSQL my_conn.execute(strsql) strsql = "DELETE FROM " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "REPLY WHERE R_DATE < '" & strDateOlderThan & "'" & fIDSQL my_conn.execute(strsql) Call subdoupdates() End Sub Sub subArchiveStuff(fdateolderthan) server.scriptTimeout = 10000 Dim fIDSQL Dim drs,delRep Set drs = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set delRep = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set drs.ActiveConnection = my_conn '#### create FORUM_ID clause rqID = request("id") on error resume next testID = cLng(rqID) if err.number = 0 then if rqID <> "-1" then fIDSQL = " AND " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID=" & rqID else fIDSQL = "" end if err.clear else fIDSQL = " AND " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID IN (" & rqID & ")" err.clear end if on error goto 0 '#### Get the replies to Archive strSql = "SELECT T_DATE, " & strTablePrefix & "REPLY.* FROM " & strTablePrefix & "REPLY LEFT OUTER JOIN " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS " &_ "ON " & strTablePrefix & "REPLY.TOPIC_ID = " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID " &_ " WHERE T_LAST_POST < '" & fdateolderthan & "'" & fIDSQL strSQL = strSQL & " AND T_ARCHIVE_FLAG <> 0 " drs.Open strsql, my_conn, 3, 3 'set drs = my_conn.execute(strsql) '#### Archive the Replies if drs.eof then response.write("
    No replies were archived, none found

    ") else i = 0 do until drs.eof strsqlvalues = "" & drs("CAT_ID") & ", " & drs("FORUM_ID") & ", " & drs("TOPIC_ID") & ", " & drs("REPLY_ID") strsqlvalues = strsqlvalues & ", " & drs("R_AUTHOR") & ", '" & chkstring(drs("R_MESSAGE"),"archive") strsqlvalues = strsqlvalues & "', '" & drs("R_DATE") & "', '" & drs("R_IP") & "'" & ", " & drs("R_STATUS") & " " strsql = "INSERT INTO " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "REPLY (CAT_ID, FORUM_ID, TOPIC_ID, REPLY_ID, R_AUTHOR, R_MESSAGE, R_DATE, R_IP, R_STATUS)" strsql = strsql & " VALUES (" & strsqlvalues & ")" response.write "." my_conn.execute(strsql) drs.movenext i = i + 1 if i = 100 then response.write "
    " i = 0 end if '#### Delete Original Loop drs.movefirst do while not drs.eof strsql = "select * from " & strTablePrefix & "REPLY WHERE REPLY_ID = " & drs("REPLY_ID") delrep.Open strsql, my_conn, 3, 3 delrep.delete delrep.close drs.movenext Loop response.write("
    All replies to Topics older than " & strToDate(fdateolderthan) & " were archived

    ") End if '#### Update FORUM archive date strsql = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM SET F_L_ARCHIVE= '" & fdateolderthan & "'" on error resume next testID = cLng(rqID) if err.number = 0 then if rqID <> "-1" then strSQL = strSql & " WHERE FORUM_ID=" & rqID end if err.clear else strSQL = strSql & " WHERE FORUM_ID IN (" & rqID & ")" err.clear end if on error goto 0 ' strSQL = strSQL & " AND T_ARCHIVE_FLAG <> 0 " my_conn.execute(strsql) '#### Get the TOPICS to Archive strsql = "SELECT CAT_ID,FORUM_ID,TOPIC_ID,T_SUBJECT,T_AUTHOR,T_REPLIES,T_VIEW_COUNT,T_LAST_POST,T_DATE,T_LAST_POSTER,T_IP,T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR,T_MESSAGE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE T_LAST_POST < '" & fdateolderthan & "'" & fIDSQL strSQL = strSQL & " AND T_ARCHIVE_FLAG <> 0 " set drs = my_conn.execute(strsql) '#### Archive the Topics if drs.eof then response.write("
    No Topics were Archived

    ") else i = 0 do until drs.eof strSQL = "SELECT TOPIC_ID FROM " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE TOPIC_ID=" & drs("TOPIC_ID") set rsTcheck = my_conn.execute(strSQL) if rsTcheck.eof then err.clear strsqlvalues = "" & drs("CAT_ID") & ", " & drs("FORUM_ID") & ", " & drs("TOPIC_ID") & ", " & 0 strsqlvalues = strsqlvalues & ", '" & chkstring(drs("T_SUBJECT"),"archive") & "', '" & chkstring(drs("T_MESSAGE"),"archive") strsqlvalues = strsqlvalues & "', " & drs("T_AUTHOR") & ", '" & drs("T_REPLIES") & "', " & drs("T_VIEW_COUNT") strsqlvalues = strsqlvalues & ", '" & drs("T_LAST_POST") & "', '" & drs("T_DATE") & "', '" & drs("T_LAST_POSTER") strsqlvalues = strsqlvalues & "', '" & drs("T_IP") & "', " & drs("T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR") & "" strsql = "INSERT INTO " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "TOPICS (CAT_ID, FORUM_ID, TOPIC_ID, T_STATUS, T_SUBJECT, T_MESSAGE, T_AUTHOR, T_REPLIES, T_VIEW_COUNT, T_LAST_POST, T_DATE, T_LAST_POSTER, T_IP, T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR)" strsql = strsql & " VALUES (" & strsqlvalues & ")" my_conn.execute(strsql) msg = "
    All topics older than " & strToDate(fdateolderthan) & " were archived

    " else strsql = "UPDATE " & strArchiveTablePrefix & "TOPICS SET " &_ "T_STATUS = " & 0 &_ ", T_SUBJECT = '" & chkstring(drs("T_SUBJECT"),"archive") & "'" &_ ", T_MESSAGE = '" & chkstring(drs("T_MESSAGE"),"archive") & "'" &_ ", T_REPLIES = T_REPLIES + " & drs("T_REPLIES") &_ ", T_VIEW_COUNT = T_VIEW_COUNT + " & drs("T_VIEW_COUNT") &_ ", T_LAST_POST = '" & drs("T_LAST_POST") & "'" &_ ",T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR = " & drs("T_LAST_POST_AUTHOR") &_ " WHERE TOPIC_ID = " & drs("TOPIC_ID") response.write "." my_conn.execute(strsql) msg = "
    Topic exists, Stats Updated......
    " end if Response.Write msg '#### Delete originals if i > 100 then i = 0 response.write "
    " end if i = i + 1 drs.movenext Loop drs.close strSql = "delete from " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE T_LAST_POST < '" & fdateolderthan & "' " & fIDSQL strSqL = strSqL & " AND T_ARCHIVE_FLAG <> 0 " my_conn.execute(strsql) End if Call subdoupdates() response.write("
    Click Here to return to Forums Delete/Archive Admin

    ") End Sub Sub subdeletestuff(fstrid) Dim fIDSQL '#### create FORUM_ID clause ' rqID = request("id") rqID = fstrid on error resume next testID = cLng(rqID) if err.number = 0 then if rqID <> "-1" then fIDSQL = " FORUM_ID=" & rqID else fIDSQL = "" end if err.clear else fIDSQL = " FORUM_ID IN (" & rqID & ")" err.clear end if on error goto 0 strsql = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS WHERE " & fIDSQL my_conn.execute(strsql) strsql = "DELETE FROM " & strTablePrefix & "REPLY WHERE " & fIDSQL my_conn.execute(strsql) Call subdoupdates() End Sub Sub subdoupdates() '#### create FORUM_ID clause rqID = request("id") on error resume next testID = cLng(rqID) if err.number = 0 then if rqID <> "-1" then fIDSQL = " AND " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID=" & rqID fIDSQL2 = " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID=" & rqID else fIDSQL = "" fIDSQL2 = "" end if err.clear else fIDSQL = " AND " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID IN (" & rqID & ")" fIDSQL2 = " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID IN (" & rqID & ")" err.clear end if on error goto 0 response.write "" response.write "" response.write "" response.write "" Response.Write "
    " Response.Write "
    " Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" Response.Write "" & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write "" Response.Write "" & vbNewline Response.Write "" set rs = nothing set rs1 = nothing End Sub WriteFooter Else scriptname = split(request.servervariables("SCRIPT_NAME"),"/") Response.Redirect "admin_login.asp?target=" & server.urlencode(scriptname(ubound(scriptname)) & "?" & request.querystring) End IF %>

    Updating Counts
    " response.write "

    Topics:" set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") set rs1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") '## Forum_SQL - Get contents of the Forum table related to counting strSql = "SELECT FORUM_ID, F_TOPICS FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM WHERE F_TYPE <> 1 " & fIDSQL rs.Open strSql, my_Conn rs.MoveFirst i = 0 do until rs.EOF i = i + 1 '## Forum_SQL - count total number of topics in each forum in Topics table strSql = "SELECT count(FORUM_ID) AS cnt " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE FORUM_ID = " & rs("FORUM_ID") set rs1 = my_Conn.Execute( strSql) if rs1.EOF or rs1.BOF then intF_TOPICS = 0 Else intF_TOPICS = rs1("cnt") End if rs1.Close '## Forum_SQL - count total number of archived topics in each forum in A_Topics table strSql = "SELECT count(FORUM_ID) AS cnt " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "A_TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE FORUM_ID = " & rs("FORUM_ID") set rs1 = my_Conn.Execute( strSql) if rs1.EOF or rs1.BOF then intF_A_TOPICS = 0 Else intF_A_TOPICS = rs1("cnt") End if rs1.Close strSql = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM " strSql = strSql & " SET F_TOPICS = " & intF_TOPICS strSql = strSql & " , F_A_TOPICS = " & intF_A_TOPICS strSql = strSql & " WHERE FORUM_ID = " & rs("FORUM_ID") my_conn.execute(strSql) rs.MoveNext Response.Write "." if i = 80 then Response.Write "
    " i = 0 End if loop rs.Close Response.Write "
    Topic Replies:" '## Forum_SQL strSql = "SELECT TOPIC_ID, T_REPLIES FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS" & fIDSQL2 rs.Open strSql, my_Conn i = 0 do until rs.EOF i = i + 1 '## Forum_SQL - count total number of replies in Topics table strSql = "SELECT count(REPLY_ID) AS cnt " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "REPLY " strSql = strSql & " WHERE TOPIC_ID = " & rs("TOPIC_ID") rs1.Open strSql, my_Conn if rs1.EOF or rs1.BOF or (rs1("cnt") = 0) then intT_REPLIES = 0 Else intT_REPLIES = rs1("cnt") End if strSql = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " SET T_REPLIES = " & intT_REPLIES strSql = strSql & " WHERE TOPIC_ID = " & rs("TOPIC_ID") my_conn.execute(strSql) rs1.Close rs.MoveNext Response.Write "." if i = 80 then Response.Write "
    " & vbNewline i = 0 End if loop rs.Close Response.Write "
    Forum Replies:" '## Forum_SQL - Get values from Forum table needed to count replies strSql = "SELECT FORUM_ID, F_COUNT FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM WHERE F_TYPE <> 1 " rs.Open strSql, my_Conn, 2, 3 do until rs.EOF '## Forum_SQL - Count total number of Replies strSql = "SELECT Sum(" & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.T_REPLIES) AS SumOfT_REPLIES, Count(" & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.T_REPLIES) AS cnt " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID = " & rs("FORUM_ID") rs1.Open strSql, my_Conn if rs1.EOF or rs1.BOF then intF_COUNT = 0 intF_TOPICS = 0 Else intF_COUNT = rs1("cnt") + rs1("SumOfT_REPLIES") intF_TOPICS = rs1("cnt") End if If IsNull(intF_COUNT) then intF_COUNT = 0 if IsNull(intF_TOPICS) then intF_TOPICS = 0 rs1.Close '## Forum_SQL - Count total number of Archived Replies strSql = "SELECT Sum(" & strTablePrefix & "A_TOPICS.T_REPLIES) AS SumOfT_A_REPLIES, Count(" & strTablePrefix & "A_TOPICS.T_REPLIES) AS cnt " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "A_TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "A_TOPICS.FORUM_ID = " & rs("FORUM_ID") rs1.Open strSql, my_Conn if rs1.EOF or rs1.BOF then intF_A_COUNT = 0 intF_A_TOPICS = 0 Else intF_A_COUNT = rs1("cnt") + rs1("SumOfT_A_REPLIES") intF_A_TOPICS = rs1("cnt") End if If IsNull(intF_A_COUNT) then intF_A_COUNT = 0 if IsNull(intF_A_TOPICS) then intF_A_TOPICS = 0 rs1.Close strSql = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM " strSql = strSql & " SET F_COUNT = " & intF_COUNT strSql = strSql & ", F_TOPICS = " & intF_TOPICS strSql = strSql & ", F_A_COUNT = " & intF_A_COUNT strSql = strSql & ", F_A_TOPICS = " & intF_A_TOPICS strSql = strSql & " WHERE FORUM_ID = " & rs("FORUM_ID") my_conn.execute(strSql) rs.MoveNext Response.Write "." if i = 80 then Response.Write "
    " & vbNewline i = 0 End if loop rs.Close Response.Write "
    Totals:" '## Forum_SQL - Total of Topics strSql = "SELECT Sum(" & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_TOPICS) " strSql = strSql & " AS SumOfF_TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM WHERE F_TYPE <> 1 " rs.Open strSql, my_Conn Response.Write "Total Topics: " & RS("SumOfF_TOPICS") & "
    " & vbNewline strSumOfF_TOPICS = rs("SumOfF_TOPICS") rs.Close '## Forum_SQL - Total of Archived Topics strSql = "SELECT Sum(" & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_A_TOPICS) " strSql = strSql & " AS SumOfF_A_TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM WHERE F_TYPE <> 1 " rs.Open strSql, my_Conn Response.Write "Total Archived Topics: " & RS("SumOfF_A_TOPICS") & "
    " & vbNewline strSumOfF_A_TOPICS = rs("SumOfF_A_TOPICS") rs.Close '## Forum_SQL - Total all the replies for each topic strSql = "SELECT Sum(" & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_COUNT) " strSql = strSql & " AS SumOfF_COUNT " strSql = strSql & ", Sum(" & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_A_COUNT) " strSql = strSql & " AS SumOfF_A_COUNT " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM WHERE F_TYPE <> 1 " set rs = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) 'rs.Open strSql, my_Conn if rs("SumOfF_COUNT") <> "" then Response.Write "Total Posts: " & RS("SumOfF_COUNT") & "
    " & vbNewline strSumOfF_COUNT = rs("SumOfF_COUNT") else Response.Write "Total Posts: 0
    " & vbNewline strSumOfF_COUNT = "0" end if if rs("SumOfF_A_COUNT") <> "" then Response.Write "Total Archived Posts: " & RS("SumOfF_A_COUNT") & "
    " & vbNewline strSumOfF_A_COUNT = rs("SumOfF_A_COUNT") else Response.Write "Total Archived Posts: 0
    " & vbNewline strSumOfF_A_COUNT = "0" end if rs.Close '## Forum_SQL - Write totals to the Totals table strSql = "UPDATE " & strTablePrefix & "TOTALS " strSql = strSql & " SET T_COUNT = " & strSumOfF_TOPICS strSql = strSql & ", P_COUNT = " & strSumOfF_COUNT strSql = strSql & ", T_A_COUNT = " & strSumOfF_A_TOPICS strSql = strSql & ", P_A_COUNT = " & strSumOfF_A_COUNT my_Conn.Execute strSql Response.Write "
    " Response.Write "Count Update Complete