if not isempty(Request.Form("LogIn")) then
set conn = server.createobject ("adodb.connection")
conn.open MM_workspace_STRING
set RSUser = conn.Execute("select username, fullName from users " _
& "where username = '" & Request.Form("username") _
& "' and password = '" & Request.Form("password") _
& "' and administrator = 'Y'")
if RSUser.EOF then
TheMessage = "You have entered incorrect login details.
" _
& "Please try again."
Session("username") = Request.Form("username")
Session("fullName") = RSUser("fullName")
session("loggedIn") = "TRUE"
session("admin") = "TRUE"
TheMessage = Session("fullName") & " - Logged In"
end if
TheMessage = "Please Log-In"
end if
if not isempty(Request.Form("LogOut")) then
Session("username") = ""
Session("loggedIn") = ""
session("admin") = ""
TheMessage = "Please Log-In"
end If
Concern Workspace Administration