<% ' If the upload form has been submitted then f=get the file and save it in the correct location
if request.querystring("action") = "upload" then
Dim upLocation
upLocation = server.mapPath("attachment\")
Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1")
Upload.OverwriteFiles = false
Count = Upload.Save(upLocation)
Thank You <% response.write " " & Session("fullname") %>
<% = Count %> file has been succesfully uploaded.
*You must use the following as the 'name' for the main form which you will be returned to when you close this window.
For Each File in Upload.Files
Ext = File.ExtractFileName
Response.Write Ext
Session("imageName") = Ext
myElement = request.querystring("obj")
<% Else %>
Upload File
1. Please click the 'Browse' button and choose the image to be uploaded from your hard disk.