<% ' If the upload form has been submitted then f=get the file and save it in the correct location if request.querystring("action") = "upload" then Dim upLocation upLocation = server.mapPath("attachment\") Set Upload = Server.CreateObject("Persits.Upload.1") Upload.OverwriteFiles = false Count = Upload.Save(upLocation) %> Thank You <% response.write " " & Session("fullname") %>

<% = Count %> file has been succesfully uploaded.

*You must use the following as the 'name' for the main form which you will be returned to when you close this window.

<% For Each File in Upload.Files Ext = File.ExtractFileName Response.Write Ext Session("imageName") = Ext Next %> <% myElement = request.querystring("obj") %>

<% Else %>

Upload File

1. Please click the 'Browse' button and choose the image to be uploaded from your hard disk.

2. Next click the 'Upload' button to send the file to the server.

<% end if %>