<% if not isempty(Request.Form("LogIn")) then set userLogIn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") userLogIn.ActiveConnection = MM_workspace_STRING userLogIn.Source = "SELECT user_id, username, fullname, email FROM users where username = '" & Request.Form("username") & "' and password = '" & Request.Form("password") & "'" userLogIn.CursorType = 0 userLogIn.CursorLocation = 2 userLogIn.LockType = 3 userLogIn.Open userLogIn_numRows = 0 if userLogIn.EOF then TheMessage = "You have entered incorrect login details, please try again." else Session("ID") = userLogIn("user_id") Session("username") = Request.Form("username") Session("fullName") = userLogIn("fullname") Session("email") = userLogIn("email") TheMessage = "Welcome " & Session("fullName") & "

You are now logged in!

" end if else TheMessage = "Welcome to the " & workspaceName & ". Please use the form below to log-in" end if %>
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