'## Copyright (C) 2000-01 Michael Anderson and Pierre Gorissen
'## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
'## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
'## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
'## of the License, or any later version.
'## All copyright notices regarding Snitz Forums 2000
'## must remain intact in the scripts and in the outputted HTML
'## The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to
'## http://forum.snitz.com in the footer of the pages MUST
'## remain visible when the pages are viewed on the internet or intranet.
'## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
'## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
'## GNU General Public License for more details.
'## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
'## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
'## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
'## Support can be obtained from support forums at:
'## http://forum.snitz.com
'## Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to:
'## reinhold@bigfoot.com
'## or
'## Snitz Communications
'## C/O: Michael Anderson
'## PO Box 200
'## Harpswell, ME 04079
if Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID") = "" and Request.QueryString("mode") <> "getIP" and Request.Form("Method_Type") <> "login" and Request.Form("Method_Type") <> "logout" then
Response.Redirect "default.asp"
Topic_ID = Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID")
end if
Dim ArchiveView
select case Request.QueryString("mode")
case "getIP"
if request("ARCHIVE") = "true" then
strActivePrefix = strArchiveTablePrefix
ArchiveView = "true"
ArchiveLink = "ARCHIVE=true&"
strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix
ArchiveView = ""
ArchiveLink = ""
end if
IP = ""
Title = ""
case else
'## Do Nothing - Continue
end select
if request("ARCHIVE") = "true" then
strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix & "A_"
ArchiveView = "true"
strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix
ArchiveView = ""
end if
Member_ID = getNewMemberNumber()
if (strAuthType = "nt") then
call NTauthenticate()
if (ChkAccountReg() = "1") then
call NTUser()
end if
end if
'## Forum_SQL - Get original topic and check if the Category, Forum or Topic Status and existence
strSql = "SELECT " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_ICQ, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_YAHOO, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_AIM, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_TITLE, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_HOMEPAGE, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_LEVEL, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_POSTS, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_COUNTRY, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_DATE, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_SUBJECT, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_AUTHOR, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_STATUS, " & _
strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_STATUS, " & _
strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_ID, " & _
strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_SUBSCRIPTION, " & _
strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_MODERATION, " & _
strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_STATUS, " & _
strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID, " & _
strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_SUBSCRIPTION, " & _
strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_SUBJECT, " & _
strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_MODERATION, " & _
strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_MESSAGE " & _
" FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS, " & _
strTablePrefix & "FORUM, " & _
strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS " & _
" WHERE " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID & _
" AND " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID " & _
" AND " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.CAT_ID " & _
" AND " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_AUTHOR "
set rsTopic = my_Conn.Execute (StrSql)
if rsTopic.EOF then
set rsTopic = Nothing
Response.Redirect("link.asp?TOPIC_ID=" & Topic_ID & "")
' Response.Redirect(strForumURL)
Cat_Status = rsTopic("CAT_STATUS")
Cat_ID = rsTopic("CAT_ID")
Cat_Subscription = rsTopic("CAT_SUBSCRIPTION")
Cat_Moderation = rsTopic("CAT_MODERATION")
Forum_Status = rsTopic("F_STATUS")
Forum_ID = rsTopic("FORUM_ID")
Forum_Subject = rsTopic("F_SUBJECT")
Forum_Subscription = rsTopic("F_SUBSCRIPTION")
Forum_Moderation = rsTopic("F_MODERATION")
Topic_Subject = rsTopic("T_SUBJECT")
Topic_Status = rsTopic("T_STATUS")
Topic_Author = rsTopic("T_AUTHOR")
Topic_Message = rsTopic("T_MESSAGE")
end if
if strPrivateForums = "1" then
if Request("Method_Type") = "" then
end if
end if
if (mLev = 4) or (chkForumModerator(Forum_ID, ChkString(STRdbntUserName, "decode"))= "1") or (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") then
AdminAllowed = 1
AdminAllowed = 0
end if
if strModeration > 0 and Cat_Moderation > 0 and Forum_Moderation > 0 and AdminAllowed = 0 then
Moderation = "Y"
Moderation = "N"
end if
if (Moderation = "Y" and Topic_Status > 1 and Topic_Author <> MemberID) then
Response.write "
Viewing of this Topic is not permitted until it has been moderated.
Please try again later
" &_
"" &_
"Go Back
mypage = request("whichpage")
if mypage = "" then
mypage = 1
end if
mySQL = request("strSql")
if mySQL = "" then
mySQL = SQLtemp
end if
'## Forum_SQL
strSql = "SELECT " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_ICQ, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_YAHOO, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_AIM, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_TITLE, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_HOMEPAGE, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_LEVEL, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_POSTS, " & _
strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_COUNTRY, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.REPLY_ID, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.FORUM_ID, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_AUTHOR, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.TOPIC_ID, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_MESSAGE, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_STATUS, " & _
strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_DATE " & _
" FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS, " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY " & _
" WHERE " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_AUTHOR " & _
" AND TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID & " "
' DEM --> if not a Moderator, all unapproved posts should not be viewed.
if AdminAllowed = 0 then
strSql = strSql & " AND (" & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_STATUS < "
if Moderation = "Y" then
' Ignore unapproved/rejected posts
strSql = strSql & "2"
' Ignore any previously rejected topic
strSql = strSql & "3"
end if
strSql = strSql & " OR R_AUTHOR = " & MemberID & ")"
end if
strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_DATE ASC"
if strDBType = "mysql" then 'MySql specific code
if mypage > 1 then
intOffset = CInt((mypage-1) * strPageSize)
strSql = strSql & " LIMIT " & intOffset & ", " & strPageSize & " "
end if
'## Forum_SQL - Get the total pagecount
strSql2 = "SELECT COUNT(" & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.TOPIC_ID) AS REPLYCOUNT "
strSql2 = strSql2 & " FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS, " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY "
strSql2 = strSql2 & " WHERE " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_AUTHOR "
strSql2 = strSql2 & " AND TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID & " "
set rsCount = my_Conn.Execute(strSql2)
if not rsCount.eof then
maxpages = (rsCount("REPLYCOUNT") \ strPageSize )
if rsCount("REPLYCOUNT") mod strPageSize <> 0 then
maxpages = maxpages + 1
end if
maxpages = 1
end if
set rsCount = nothing
set rsReplies = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsReplies.open strSql, my_Conn, 3
if not(rsReplies.EOF) then
end if
else 'end MySql specific code
set rsReplies = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsReplies.cachesize = strPageSize
rsReplies.open strSql, my_Conn, 3
If not (rsReplies.EOF or rsReplies.BOF) then '## No replies found in DB
rsReplies.pagesize = strPageSize
rsReplies.absolutepage = mypage '**
maxpages = cint(rsReplies.pagecount)
end if
end if
i = 0
All Forums
<% If ArchiveView = "true" then %>
<% Else %>
<% End If %>
<% =ChkString(Forum_Subject,"display") %>
<% If ArchiveView = "true" then %>
  <% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"title") %>
<% elseif Cat_Status <> 0 and Forum_Status <> 0 and Topic_Status <> 0 then %>
  <% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"title") %>
<% else %>
  <% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"title") %>
<% end if %>
<% call PostingOptions() %> |
<% if maxpages > 1 then %>
Page: |
<% Call DropDownPaging() %> |
<% else %>
| |
<% end if %>
>Author |
><% if strShowTopicNav = "1" then Call Topic_nav() else Response.Write("Topic") end if%> |
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
<% call AdminOptions() %> |
<% else %>
<% end if %>
if mypage = 1 then
Call GetFirst()
end if
set rsTopic = Nothing
'## Forum_SQL
strSql = "UPDATE " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS "
strSql = strSql & " SET " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_VIEW_COUNT = (" & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_VIEW_COUNT + 1) "
strSql = strSql & " WHERE (" & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID & ");"
my_conn.Execute (strSql)
if rsReplies.EOF or rsReplies.BOF then '## No replies found in DB
Response.Write ""
intI = 0
howmanyrecs = 0
rec = 1
do until rsReplies.EOF or (mypage = 1 and rec > CInt(strPageSize)) or (mypage > 1 and rec > CInt(strPageSize)) '**
Reply_Content = rsReplies("R_MESSAGE")
if intI = 0 then
CColor = strAltForumCellColor
CColor = strForumCellColor
end if
<% if strUseExtendedProfile then %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
<% =ChkString(rsReplies("M_NAME"),"display") %>
<% if strShowRank = 1 or strShowRank = 3 then %>
<% = ChkString(getMember_Level(rsReplies("M_TITLE"), rsReplies("M_LEVEL"), rsReplies("M_POSTS")),"display") %>
<% end if %>
<% if strShowRank = 2 or strShowRank = 3 then %>
<% = getStar_Level(rsReplies("M_LEVEL"), rsReplies("M_POSTS")) %>
<% end if %>
<% =rsReplies("M_COUNTRY") %>
<% =rsReplies("M_POSTS") %> Posts |
colspan="3"<% else %>colspan="2"<% end if %> valign="top">
<% ' DEM --> Start of Code altered for moderation
if rsReplies("R_STATUS") < 2 then
Response.Write " Posted - " & ChkDate(rsReplies("R_DATE")) & " : " & ChkTime(rsReplies("R_DATE")) & "" & vbNewline
elseif rsReplies("R_STATUS") = 2 then
Response.Write "NOT MODERATED!!!" & vbNewline
elseif rsReplies("R_STATUS") = 3 then
Response.Write " ON HOLD" & vbNewline
end if
' DEM --> End of Code added for moderation.
if strUseExtendedProfile then %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
<% if (lcase(strEmail) = "1") then
if (mlev <> 0) or (mlev = 0 and strLogonForMail <> "1") then
<% end if
<% end if %>
<% if strHomepage = "1" then %>
<% if rsReplies("M_Homepage") <> " " then %>
" target="_blank"> 's Homepage" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1 or rsReplies("MEMBER_ID") = Member_ID) or (strNoCookies = "1") then %>
<% if (Cat_Status <> 0 and Forum_Status <> 0 and Topic_Status <> 0) or (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
&TOPIC_ID=<% =Topic_ID %>&FORUM_ID=<% =Forum_ID %>&CAT_ID=<% =Cat_ID %>&Author=<% =ChkString(rsReplies("R_AUTHOR"),"urlpath") %>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Forum_Subject,"urlpath") %>&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if strICQ = "1" then %>
<% if Trim(rsReplies("M_ICQ")) <> "" then %>
&M_NAME=<% =ChkString(rsReplies("M_NAME"),"JSurlpath") %>')"> &img=5" height=15 width=15 alt="Send <% = ChkString(rsReplies("M_NAME"),"display") %> an ICQ Message" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if strYAHOO = "1" then %>
<% if Trim(rsReplies("M_YAHOO")) <> "" then %>
&.src=pg')"> a Yahoo! Message" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (strAIM = "1") then %>
<% if Trim(rsReplies("M_AIM")) <> "" then %>
&M_NAME=<% =ChkString(rsReplies("M_NAME"),"urlpath") %>')"> an instant message" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if ((Cat_Status <> 0 and Forum_Status <> 0 and Topic_Status = 1) or (AdminAllowed = 1 and Topic_Status <= 1)) and ArchiveView = "" then %>
&TOPIC_ID=<% =Topic_ID %>&FORUM_ID=<% =Forum_ID %>&CAT_ID=<% =Cat_ID %>&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Forum_Subject,"urlpath") %>&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>&M=<% =Request.QueryString("M") %>">
<% end if %>
<% if (strIPLogging = "1") then %>
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1) or (strNoCookies = "1") then %>
&FORUM_ID=<% =Forum_ID %>')">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1 or rsReplies("MEMBER_ID") = Member_ID) or (strNoCookies = "1") then %>
<% if (Cat_Status <> 0 and Forum_Status <> 0 and Topic_Status <> 0) or (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
&TOPIC_ID=<% =Topic_ID %>&FORUM_ID=<% =Forum_ID %>')">
<% end if
' DEM --> Start of Code added for Full Moderation
if (AdminAllowed = 1 and rsReplies("R_STATUS") > 1) then
ReplyString = "Reply_ID=" & rsReplies("REPLY_ID") & "&CAT_ID=" & Cat_ID & "&FORUM_ID=" & Forum_ID & "&TOPIC_ID=" & Topic_ID
Response.Write " " & vbNewline
End if
' DEM --> End of Code added for Full Moderation
end if %>
<% =formatStr(Reply_Content) %> |
intI = intI + 1
if intI = 2 then
intI = 0
end if
rec = rec + 1
end if
<% if maxpages > 1 then %>
Topic is <% =maxpages %> Pages Long: |
<% Call Paging() %> |
<% else %>
| |
<% end if %>
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
<% call AdminOptions() %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
<% Call PostingOptions() %> |
end if
sub GetFirst()
<% if strUseExtendedProfile then %>
<% else %>
<% end if %>
<% =ChkString(rsTopic("M_NAME"),"display") %>
<% if strShowRank = 1 or strShowRank = 3 then %>
<% = ChkString(getMember_Level(rsTopic("M_TITLE"), rsTopic("M_LEVEL"), rsTopic("M_POSTS")),"display") %>
<% end if %>
<% if strShowRank = 2 or strShowRank = 3 then %>
<% = getStar_Level(rsTopic("M_LEVEL"), rsTopic("M_POSTS")) %>
<% end if %>
<% =rsTopic("M_COUNTRY") %>
<% =rsTopic("M_POSTS") %> Posts |
colspan="3"<% else %>colspan="2"<% end if %> valign="top">
if Topic_Status < 2 then
Response.Write " Posted - " & ChkDate(rsTopic("T_DATE")) & " : " & ChkTime(rsTopic("T_DATE")) & "" & vbNewline
elseif Topic_Status = 2 then
Response.Write "NOT MODERATED!!!" & vbNewline
elseif Topic_Status = 3 then
Response.Write " ON HOLD" & vbNewline
end if
if strUseExtendedProfile then %>
<% else %>
<% end if
if (lcase(strEmail) = "1") then
if (mlev <> 0) or (mlev = 0 and strLogonForMail <> "1") then
<% end if
<% end if %>
<% if (strHomepage = "1") then %>
<% if rsTopic("M_Homepage") <> " " then %>
" target="_blank"> 's Homepage" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1 or rsTopic("MEMBER_ID") = Member_ID) or (strNoCookies = "1") then %>
<% if ((Cat_Status <> 0) and (Forum_Status <> 0) and (Topic_Status <> 0)) or (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
&Forum_Title=<% =ChkString(Forum_Subject,"urlpath") %>&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (strICQ = "1") then %>
<% if Trim(rsTopic("M_ICQ")) <> "" then %>
&M_NAME=<% =ChkString(rsTopic("M_NAME"), "JSurlpath") %>')"> &img=5" height=15 width=15 alt="Send <% =ChkString(rsTopic("M_NAME"),"display") %> an ICQ Message" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (strYAHOO = "1") then %>
<% if Trim(rsTopic("M_YAHOO")) <> "" then %>
&.src=pg')"> a Yahoo! Message" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if (strAIM = "1") then %>
<% if Trim(rsTopic("M_AIM")) <> "" then %>
&M_NAME=<% =ChkString(rsTopic("M_NAME"), "JSurlpath") %>')"> an instant message" border="0" align="absmiddle" hspace="6">
<% end if %>
<% end if %>
<% if ((Cat_Status <> 0 and Forum_Status <> 0 and Topic_Status = 1) or (AdminAllowed = 1 and Topic_Status <= 1) and ArchiveView = "" ) then %>
&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
<% end if %>
<% if (strIPLogging = "1") then %>
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1) or (strNoCookies = "1") then %>
&FORUM_ID=<% =Forum_ID %>')">
<% end if
end if
' DEM --> Start of Code added for Full Moderation
if (AdminAllowed = 1 and Topic_Status > 1) then
TopicString = "TOPIC_ID=" & Topic_ID & "&FORUM_ID=" & Forum_ID & "&CAT_ID=" & Cat_ID
Response.Write " " & vbNewline
End if
' End of Code added for Full Moderation
if (AdminAllowed = 1) or (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") then %>
<% end if %>
<% =formatStr(Topic_Message) %> |
End Sub
sub DisplayIP()
usr = (chkForumModerator(Request.QueryString("Forum_ID") , STRdbntUserName))
if (chkUser((STRdbntUserName), (Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Pword"))) = 4) then
usr = 1
end if
if usr then
if Topic_ID <> "" then
'## Forum_SQL
strSql = "SELECT " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_IP, " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_SUBJECT "
strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS "
strSql = strSql & " WHERE TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID
set rsIP = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
IP = rsIP("T_IP")
Title = rsIP("T_Subject")
if Request.QueryString("REPLY_ID") <> "" then
'## Forum_SQL
strSql = "SELECT " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_IP "
strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY "
strSql = strSql & " WHERE REPLY_ID = " & Request.QueryString("REPLY_ID")
set rsIP = my_Conn.Execute(strSql)
IP = rsIP("R_IP")
end if
end if
set rsIP = nothing
User's IP address:
<% =ip %>
<% else %>
Only moderators and administrators can perform this action.
end If
end sub
sub PostingOptions()
if (mlev = 4 or mlev = 3 or mlev = 2 or mlev = 1) or (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") or (STRdbntUserName = "") then
if ((Cat_Status = 1) and (Forum_Status = 1)) then %>
">New Topic
<% else
if (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
">New Topic
<% else %>
Forum Locked
<% end if
end if
if ((Cat_Status = 1) and (Forum_Status = 1) and (Topic_Status = 1)) and ArchiveView = "" then %>
&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">Reply to Topic
<% else
if ((AdminAllowed = 1 and Topic_Status <= 1) and ArchiveView = "") then %>
&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
<% ' DEM --> Added if statement to show normal icon for unmoderated posts.
if Topic_Status = 1 and Cat_Status <> 0 and Forum_Status <> 0 then
Response.Write "
Response.Write "
end if
Response.Write "Reply to Topic"
if Topic_Status = 0 then
Response.Write "
Topic Locked" & vbNewline
' elseif Topic_Status = 2 then
' Response.Write "
Topic Not Yet Moderated" & vbNewline
' elseif Topic_Status = 3 then
' Response.Write "
Topic is on Hold" & vbNewline
end if
end if
end if
if (lcase(strEmail) = "1" and Topic_Status < 2) then
if (mlev <> 0) or (mlev = 0 and strLogonForMail <> "1") then %>
')">Send Topic to a Friend
<% end if
if strSubscription > 0 and Cat_Subscription > 0 and Forum_Subscription > 0 then
CheckSubscription "TOPIC", MEMBER_ID, Cat_ID, Forum_ID, Topic_ID, "
", " "
end if
Printer Friendly
<% end if
end if
end sub
sub AdminOptions()
<% if (AdminAllowed = 1) or (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") then
if (Cat_Status = 0) then
if (mlev = 4) then %>
<% else %>
<% end if
if (Forum_Status = 0) then %>
<% else
if (Topic_Status <> 0) then %>
<% else %>
<% end if
end if
end if %>
<% if ((Cat_Status <> 0) and (Forum_Status <> 0) and (Topic_Status <> 0)) or (AdminAllowed = 1) then %>
&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
<% end if %>
<% if Topic_Status <= 1 and ArchiveView = "" then %>
&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Topic_Subject,"urlpath") %>">
<% end if
end if
' DEM --> Start of Code added for Full Moderation
if (AdminAllowed = 1 and CheckForUnModeratedPosts("TOPIC", Cat_ID, Forum_ID, Topic_ID) > 0) then
TopicString = "TOPIC_ID=" & Topic_ID & "&FORUM_ID=" & Forum_ID & "&CAT_ID=" & Cat_ID & "&REPLY_ID=X"
Response.Write "
" & vbNewline
End if
' DEM --> End of Code added for Full Moderation
Response.Write " " & vbNewline
end sub
sub Paging()
if maxpages > 1 then
if Request.QueryString("whichpage") = "" then
pge = 1
pge = Request.QueryString("whichpage")
end if
scriptname = request.servervariables("script_name")
for counter = 1 to maxpages
if counter <> cint(pge) then
ref = "" & " " & widenum(counter) & ""
ref = ref & "" & counter & " | "
Response.Write ref
ref = ref & "'>" & counter & ""
Response.Write ref
end if
Response.Write("" & " " & widenum(counter) & "" & counter & " | ")
end if
if counter mod strPageNumberSize = 0 then
end if
end if
top = "0"
end sub
sub DropDownPaging()
if maxpages > 1 then
if Request("whichpage") = "" then
pge = 1
pge = Request("whichpage")
end if
scriptname = request.servervariables("script_name")
Response.write "")
end if
top = "0"
end sub
Sub Topic_nav()
set rsLastPost = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSql = "SELECT T_LAST_POST FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS "
strSql = strSql & "WHERE TOPIC_ID = " & Topic_ID
set rsLastPost = my_Conn.Execute (StrSql)
strSql = strSql & "FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS "
strSql = strSql & "WHERE T_LAST_POST > '" & T_LAST_POST
strSql = strSql & "' AND FORUM_ID=" & Forum_ID
strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY T_LAST_POST;"
set rsPrevTopic = my_conn.Execute (strSQL)
strSql = strSql & "FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS "
strSql = strSql & "WHERE T_LAST_POST < '" & T_LAST_POST
strSql = strSql & "' AND FORUM_ID=" & Forum_ID
strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY T_LAST_POST DESC;"
set rsNextTopic = my_conn.Execute (strSQL)
if rsPrevTopic.EOF then
prevTopic = "
prevTopic = "
end if
if rsNextTopic.EOF then
NextTopic = "
NextTopic = "
end if
Response.Write (prevTopic & " Topic " & nextTopic)
set rsLastPost = nothing
set rsPrevTopic = nothing
set rsNextTopic = nothing
end sub