<% '################################################################################# '## Copyright (C) 2000-01 Michael Anderson and Pierre Gorissen '## '## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or '## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License '## as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 '## of the License, or any later version. '## '## All copyright notices regarding Snitz Forums 2000 '## must remain intact in the scripts and in the outputted HTML '## The "powered by" text/logo with a link back to '## http://forum.snitz.com in the footer of the pages MUST '## remain visible when the pages are viewed on the internet or intranet. '## '## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, '## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of '## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the '## GNU General Public License for more details. '## '## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License '## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software '## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. '## '## Support can be obtained from support forums at: '## http://forum.snitz.com '## '## Correspondence and Marketing Questions can be sent to: '## reinhold@bigfoot.com '## '## or '## '## Snitz Communications '## C/O: Michael Anderson '## PO Box 200 '## Harpswell, ME 04079 '################################################################################# '################################################################################# '## Variable declaration '################################################################################# dim strSelecSize dim intCols, intRows %> <% '################################################################################# '## Initialise variables '################################################################################# strSelectSize = Request.Form("SelectSize") strRqMethod = Request.QueryString("method") strRqTopicID = Request.QueryString("TOPIC_ID") strRqForumID = Request.QueryString("FORUM_ID") strRqCatID = Request.QueryString("CAT_ID") strCkPassWord = Request.Cookies(strUniqueID & "User")("Pword") '################################################################################# '## Page-code start '################################################################################# if request("ARCHIVE") = "true" then strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix & "A_" ArchiveView = "true" else strActivePrefix = strTablePrefix ArchiveView = "" end if if strSelectSize = "" or IsNull(strSelectSize) then strSelectSize = Request.Cookies(strCookieURL & "strSelectSize") end if if not(IsNull(strSelectSize)) then Response.Cookies(strCookieURL & "strSelectSize") = strSelectSize Response.Cookies(strCookieURL & "strSelectSize").expires = Now() + 365 end if %> <% if ArchiveView <> "" then if MethodType = "Reply" or _ MethodType = "ReplyQuote" or _ MethodType = "TopicQuote" then Go_Result "This is not allowed in the Archives." end if end if if strRqMethod = "Edit" or _ strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or _ strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or _ strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then if strRqMethod <> "Topic" then '## Forum_SQL - Find out if the Category, Forum or Topic is Locked or Un-Locked and if it Exists strSql = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_STATUS, " &_ strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_STATUS, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_STATUS " &_ " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY, " &_ strTablePrefix & "FORUM, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS " &_ " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.CAT_ID " &_ " AND " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID " &_ " AND " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID = " & strRqTopicID & "" else '## Forum_SQL - Find out if the Category or Forum is Locked or Un-Locked and if it Exists strSql = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_STATUS, " &_ strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_STATUS " &_ " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY, " &_ strTablePrefix & "FORUM " &_ " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_ID = " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.CAT_ID " &_ " AND " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID = " & strRqForumID & "" end if set rsStatus = my_Conn.Execute(strSql) if rsStatus.EOF or rsStatus.BOF then Go_Result "Please don't attempt to edit the URL
to gain access to locked Forums/Categories." else blnCStatus = rsStatus("CAT_STATUS") blnFStatus = rsStatus("F_STATUS") if strRqMethod <> "Topic" then blnTStatus = rsStatus("T_STATUS") else blnTStatus = 1 end if rsStatus.close set rsStatus = nothing end if if (mLev = 4) or (chkForumModerator(strRqForumID, ChkString(strDBNTUserName, "decode"))= "1") or (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") then AdminAllowed = 1 else AdminAllowed = 0 end if select case strRqMethod case "Topic" if (blnCStatus = 0) and (AdminAllowed = 0) then Go_Result "You have attempted to post a New Topic to a Locked Category" end if if (blnFStatus = 0) and (AdminAllowed = 0) then Go_Result "You have attempted to post a New Topic to a Locked Forum" end if case "EditTopic" if ((blnCStatus = 0) or (blnFStatus = 0) or (blnTStatus = 0)) and (AdminAllowed = 0) then Go_Result "You have attempted to edit a Locked Topic" end if case "Reply", "ReplyQuote", "TopicQuote" if ((blnCStatus = 0) or (blnFStatus = 0) or (blnTStatus = 0)) and (AdminAllowed = 0) then Go_Result "You have attempted to Reply to a Locked Topic" end if case "Edit" if ((blnCStatus = 0) or (blnFStatus = 0) or (blnTStatus = 0)) and (AdminAllowed = 0) then Go_Result "You have attempted to Edit a Reply to a Locked Topic" end if end select end if select case strSelectSize case "1" intCols = 45 intRows = 6 case "2" intCols = 70 intRows = 12 case "3" intCols = 90 intRows = 12 case "4" intCols = 130 intRows = 15 case else intCols = 70 intRows = 12 end select %> <% if strRqMethod = "EditForum" then if (mLev = 4) or (chkForumModerator(strRqForumId, strDBNTUserName) = "1") then '## Do Nothing else Response.Write "

ERROR: Only moderators and administrators can edit forums

" & vbNewline WriteFooter Response.End end if end if Msg = "" select case strRqMethod case "Reply" if (strNoCookies = 1) or (strDBNTUserName = "") then Msg = Msg & "Note: You must be registered in order to post a reply.
" Msg = Msg & "To register, click here. Registration is FREE!
" end if case "ReplyQuote" if (strNoCookies = 1) or (strDBNTUserName = "") then Msg = Msg & "Note: You must be registered in order to post a reply.
" Msg = Msg & "To register, click here. Registration is FREE!
" end if case "Topic" if (strNoCookies = 1) or (strDBNTUserName = "") then Msg = Msg & "Note: You must be registered in order to post a Topic.
" Msg = Msg & "To register, click here. Registration is FREE!
" end if case "TopicQuote" if (strNoCookies = 1) or (strDBNTUserName = "") then Msg = Msg & "Note: You must be registered in order to post a reply.
" Msg = Msg & "To register, click here. Registration is FREE!
" end if case "Forum" Msg = Msg & "Note: You must be an administrator to create a new forum.
" case "URL" Msg = Msg & "Note: You must be an administrator to create a new web link.
" case "Edit" Msg = Msg & "Note: Only the poster of this message, and the Moderator can edit the message." case "EditTopic" Msg = Msg & "Note: Only the poster of this message, and the Moderator can edit the message." case "EditForum" Msg = Msg & "Note: Only the Moderator can edit the message." case "EditCategory" Msg = Msg & "Note: Only an administrator can edit the subject." end select if strRqMethod = "Edit" or _ strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" then '## Forum_SQL strSql = "SELECT R_AUTHOR,R_MESSAGE " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.REPLY_ID = " & Request.QueryString("REPLY_ID") set rs = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) strAuthor = rs("R_AUTHOR") if strRqMethod = "Edit" then TxtMsg = rs("R_MESSAGE") else if strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" then TxtMsg = "[quote]" & vbNewline TxtMsg = TxtMsg & rs("R_MESSAGE") & vbNewline TxtMsg = TxtMsg & "[/quote]" end if end if 'if strDBNTUserName = getMemberName(strAuthor) then 'boolReply =rs("R_MAIL") 'end if end if if strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then '## Forum_SQL strSql = "SELECT " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.CAT_ID, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.FORUM_ID, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_SUBJECT, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_AUTHOR, " &_ strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_MESSAGE " &_ " FROM " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS " &_ " WHERE " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID = " & strRqTopicID set rs = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) TxtSub = rs("T_SUBJECT") strAuthor = rs("T_AUTHOR") if strRqMethod = "EditTopic" then TxtMsg = rs("T_MESSAGE") else if strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then TxtMsg = "[quote]" & vbNewline TxtMsg = TxtMsg & rs("T_MESSAGE") & vbNewline TxtMsg = TxtMsg & "[/quote]" end if end if 'if strDBNTUserName = getMemberName(strAuthor) then boolTopic = rs("T_MAIL") end if if strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" then '## Forum_SQL ' DEM --> Added F_SUBSCRIPTION, F_MODERATION to the end of this select strSql = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_SUBJECT, " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_URL, " & _ strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_DESCRIPTION, " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_PRIVATEFORUMS, " & _ strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_PASSWORD_NEW, " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_SUBSCRIPTION, " & _ strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_MODERATION " & _ " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM " & _ " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID = " & strRqForumId set rs = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) if strRqMethod = "EditURL" then TxtUrl = rs("F_URL") end if if strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" then TxtSub = rs("F_SUBJECT") TxtMsg = rs("F_DESCRIPTION") ' DEM --> Added fields to get them into local variables which is a faster run ForumModeration = rs("F_MODERATION") ForumSubscription = rs("F_SUBSCRIPTION") end if end if ' DEM --> Added editforum and forum to get the cat_subscription and cat_moderation for later use. if strRqMethod = "EditCategory" or strRqMethod = "EditForum" or strRqMethod = "Forum" then '## Forum_SQL strSql = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_NAME " ' DEM --> Added CAT_SUBSCRIPTION for subscription services strSql = strSql & ", " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_SUBSCRIPTION " ' DEM --> Added CAT_MODERATION for moderation processing strSql = strSql & ", " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_MODERATION " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_ID = " & strRqCatID ' DEM --> Added if statement to use a different connection and to move the database fields to local variables if strRqMethod = "EditForum" or strRqMethod = "Forum" then set rs1 = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) CatSubscription = rs1("CAT_SUBSCRIPTION") CatModeration = rs1("CAT_MODERATION") set rs1 = nothing else set rs = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) CatSubscription = rs("CAT_SUBSCRIPTION") CatModeration = rs("CAT_MODERATION") end if if strRqMethod = "EditCategory" then TxtSub = rs("CAT_NAME") end if end if select case strRqMethod case "Category" btn = "Post New Category" case "Edit", "EditCategory", "EditForum", "EditTopic", "EditURL" btn = "Post Changes" case "Forum" btn = "Post New Forum" case "Reply", "ReplyQuote", "TopicQuote" btn = "Post New Reply" case "Topic" btn = "Post New Topic" case "URL" btn = "Post New URL" case else btn = "Post" end select %>
 All Forums
<% if strRqMethod = "EditCategory" then %>  <% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("Cat_Title"),"display") %>
<% else if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %>  <% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("FORUM_Title"),"display") %>
<% end if end if if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %>  <% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("Topic_Title"),"title") %> <% end if %>

<% =Msg %>

" & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ "
<% if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %> &TOPIC_ID=<% =ChkString(strRqTopicID,"urlpath")%>&REPLY_ID=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("REPLY_ID"),"urlpath")%>&Topic_Title=<% =ChkString(Request.QueryString("Topic_Title"),"urlpath")%>"> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> <% end if %> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> <% if mlev = 4 or _ mlev = 3 or _ mlev = 2 or _ mlev = 1 then %> <% else if (lcase(strNoCookies) = "1") or _ (strDBNTUserName = "" or _ strCkPassWord = "") then %> <% end if end if if strAllowForumCode = "1" then if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %> <% end if end if if strRqMethod = "Forum" or _ strRqMethod = "URL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditForum" then %> <% end if if (strRqMethod = "EditTopic") then %> <% end if if strRqMethod = "URL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" then %> <% end if if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "URL" or strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _ strRqMethod = "Forum" or strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %> <% end if ' DEM --> Start of Code added for full moderation and subscription services if strRqMethod = "Forum" or strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "Category" or strRqMethod = "EditCategory" then if strSubscription > 0 and _ ((strRqMethod = "Category" or strRqMethod = "EditCategory") or _ ((strRqMethod = "Forum" or strRqMethod = "EditForum") and (CatSubscription > 0))) then ' Subscription service first..... Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " Response.Write " " & vbNewline end if ' Topic Moderation Code - Check if Moderation is allowed over the entire board, then ' check if Moderation is allowed for the next level up. if strModeration > 0 and _ ((strRqMethod = "Category" or strRqMethod = "EditCategory") or _ ((strRqMethod = "Forum" or strRqMethod = "EditForum") and CatModeration > 0)) then Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " Response.Write " " & vbNewline end if end if ' DEM --> End of Code Added for Moderation and Subscription if strRqMethod = "Edit" or _ strRqMethod = "URL" or strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _ strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %> " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline end if %> <% if strPrivateForums <> "0" then if strRqMethod = "Forum" or _ strRqMethod = "URL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditForum" then if strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" then ForumAuthType = rs("F_PRIVATEFORUMS") else ForumAuthType = 0 end if %> <% '################################################################################# '## Allowed User - listbox Code '################################################################################# strSql = "SELECT " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID, " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS " strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME ASC;" on error resume next set rsMember = my_Conn.execute (strSql) strSql = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "ALLOWED_MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strTablePrefix & "ALLOWED_MEMBERS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "ALLOWED_MEMBERS.FORUM_ID = " & strRqForumID set rsAllowedMember = my_Conn.execute (strSql) tmpStrUserList = "" if strRqMethod = "EditForum" or strRqMethod = "EditURL" then do while not (rsAllowedMember.EOF or rsAllowedMember.BOF) if tmpStrUserList = "" then tmpStrUserList = rsAllowedMember("MEMBER_ID") else tmpStrUserList = tmpStrUserList & "," & rsAllowedMember("MEMBER_ID") end if rsAllowedMember.movenext loop end if SelectSize = 10 %> <% '################################################################################# '## Allowed User - End of listbox code '################################################################################# end if end if Response.Write " " & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ "
UserName: ">
Password: ">
Forum: <% if mlev = 3 or _ mlev = 4 then %> " end if set rsForum = nothing if mlev = 3 or _ mlev = 4 then Response.Write "" & vbNewline end if end if if strRqMethod = "Category" or _ strRqMethod = "EditCategory" or _ strRqMethod = "URL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _ strRqMethod = "Forum" or _ strRqMethod = "EditForum" or _ strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" then %>
Subject: " size="40">
Address: " size="40">

<% if strAllowHTML = "1" then %> * HTML is ON
<% else %> * HTML is OFF
<% end if %> <% if strAllowForumCode = "1" then %> * Forum Code is ON
<% else %> * Forum Code is OFF
<% end if %>

" Response.Write "Subscription:" Response.Write "" Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write "" & vbNewline Response.Write "
" Response.Write "Moderation:" Response.Write "" Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write "" & vbNewline Response.Write "
  <% if strAllowForumCode = "1" then if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or strRqMethod = "Reply" or _ strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %>
<% end if end if if strRqMethod = "Edit" or strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then if strRqMethod = "Reply" or strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then %> Check here to include your profile signature.
<% end if if ((mLev = 4) or (chkForumModerator(strRqForumId, strDBNTUserName) = "1")) _ and (strRqMethod = "Topic" or strRqMethod = "Reply" or _ strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or strRqMethod = "TopicQuote") then %> Check here to lock the topic after this post.
<% end if end if Response.Write "
Auth Type: <% if strRqMethod = "Forum" or _ strRqMethod = "EditForum" then if strRqMethod = "EditForum" then If rs("F_PASSWORD_NEW") <> " " Then strPassword = ChkString(rs("F_PASSWORD_NEW"),"password") else strPassword = " " end if else strPassword = " " end if %>
Password <% if strNTGroups = "1" then Response.Write("or Global Groups") %>:
<% end if %>
Member List:
Forum Members:
Select Members:
  "0" then if strRqMethod = "Forum" or _ strRqMethod = "URL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditURL" or _ strRqMethod = "EditForum" then Response.Write " onclick=""selectUsers()""" end if end if Response.Write ">" if strAllowForumCode = "1" or strAllowHTML = "1" then if strRqMethod = "Reply" or _ strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "Edit" or _ strRqMethod = "EditTopic" or _ strRqMethod = "Topic" or _ strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" then Response.Write "  " end if end if Response.Write "  
" & vbNewline & _ "
" & vbNewline & _ "" if strRqMethod = "Reply" or _ strRqMethod = "TopicQuote" or _ strRqMethod = "ReplyQuote" then %>
" & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ "
<% ' DEM --> Added Select of Moderation Fields strSQL = "SELECT " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_MODERATION, " strSQL = strSQL & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.F_MODERATION " strSQL = strSQL & "FROM " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY, " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM " strSQL = strSQL & " WHERE " & strTablePrefix & "CATEGORY.CAT_ID = " & strRqCatID strSQL = strSQL & " AND " & strTablePrefix & "FORUM.FORUM_ID = " & strRqForumID set rsa = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) ' ## Moderators and Admins can see unmoderated posts. if (mLev = 4) or (chkForumModerator(strRqForumId, strDBNTUserName) = "1") then Moderation = "N" else if strModeration = 1 and rsa("CAT_MODERATION") = 1 and (rsa("F_MODERATION") = 1 or rsa("F_MODERATION") = 3) then Moderation = "Y" else Moderation = "N" end if end if ' DEM --> End of Moderation Code '## Forum_SQL strSql = "SELECT " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME, " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_MESSAGE " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS, " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.T_AUTHOR AND " strSql = strSql & " " & strActivePrefix & "TOPICS.TOPIC_ID = " & strRqTopicID set rs = my_Conn.Execute (strSql) Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline Response.Write " " & vbNewline '## Forum_SQL - Get all replies to Topic from the DB strSql ="SELECT " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.M_NAME, " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_MESSAGE " strSql = strSql & " FROM " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS, " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY " strSql = strSql & " WHERE " & strMemberTablePrefix & "MEMBERS.MEMBER_ID = " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_AUTHOR " strSql = strSql & " AND TOPIC_ID = " & strRqTopicID & " " ' DEM --> Added check for moderation so that only admins and moderators can see the unapproved posts. if Moderation = "Y" then strSql = strSql & " AND R_STATUS < 2 " ' Ignore unapproved and rejected posts... else strSql = strSql & " AND R_STATUS < 3 " ' Ignore all rejected posts.... end if strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY " & strActivePrefix & "REPLY.R_DATE" set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' rs.cachesize=15 rs.open strSql, my_Conn, 3 strI = 0 if rs.EOF or rs.BOF then Response.Write "" else rs.movefirst do until rs.EOF if strI = 0 then CColor = strAltForumCellColor else CColor = strForumCellColor end if Response.Write " " & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline & _ " " & vbNewline rs.MoveNext strI = strI + 1 if strI = 2 then strI = 0 end if loop end if Response.Write "
size="<% =strDefaultFontSize %>" color="<% =strHeadFontColor %>">T O P I C     R E V I E W
" & ChkString(rs("M_NAME"),"display") & "" & formatStr(rs("T_MESSAGE")) & "
" & ChkString(rs("M_NAME"),"display") & "" & formatStr(rs("R_MESSAGE")) & "
" & vbNewline & _ "
" & vbNewline & _ "" & vbNewline end if WriteFooter function Go_Result(message) Response.write "
" & message & "
" &_ "
" &_ "" WriteFooter Response.end end function %>